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What Is The Debt-To-Income Ratio (DTI)?

Measuring your existing debts against your existing income is one part of a lender’s required assessment of your ability to repay a loan. Like the video says:  debts are existing financial commitments; a car payment is a debt a gro...

When Do I Get My Loan Closing Disclosure?

If an eligible loan proceeds from Estimate to closing, creditors must provide a Closing Disclosure form documenting the actual transaction terms and costs THREE business days before consummation. It must be in writing, whether paper or digital, and disclose ONLY the...

Understanding Your Loan: Closing Disclosure Page 1

The first page of your Closing Disclosure documents: The Loan Amount - the total you will actually borrow The Interest Rate - which does NOT include the fees factored into the APR on Page 5 If this loan has a penalty for pre-payme...

Understanding Your Loan: Closing Cost Details

Page 2 of your Closing Disclosure details specific closing costs. Section A includes: Origination charges collected by the lender Origination fees paid to brokers, loan officers or other parties and Discount Points ...

Your Rights And Rules For Closing Disclosures

The Closing Disclosure documents the actual terms of your loan transaction. You should receive it no later than 3 business days before consummation. It must be in writing - paper or digital. If the loan terms or costs change prior to consummation, your lender mus...

Understanding Loan Estimate Comparisons

Page 3 of your Loan Estimate includes measures to help you compare loans. “In X Years” shows the total amount you will have paid in that time, and the dollar amount applied to your loan principal. The ratio between total paid and principal reduced may...

Calculating Your Cash To Close

Page 2 of the Loan Estimate provides the current ESTIMATED cash to close. Some costs will stay the same between estimate and closing. Some will change. A - Origination Charges - should match. B - Can’t Shop - 10% Tolerance C -...

Understanding Your Loan Estimate: Other Costs

Real estate transactions require taxes, certain pre-payments, and escrow funding. Recording fees are charged by government agencies for keeping legal ownership records, while “transfer taxes” may be impo...

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